Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Do you believe in Patawas?

I'm a firm believer in the existence of the dark arts and other healing arts, and I believe that this sort of process may have some merits to it. Other than the fact that this Patawas has been around since before I was even conceived, I have also heard many stories from people I know about how this procedure helped heal them of diseases that they got after they were struck down by a "nuno". It also so happens that my family has a history of the sixth sense, not excluding myself.

So if ever I was the one who happened to be on the wrong end of a leprechaun's rainbow, I will not end my options with medical sciences. I have never been unfortunate enough to get into an argument with the supernatural, but in my opinion, if something is really ailing you, it wouldn't hurt any further to try alternative ways of healing yourself, and this patawas thing just may shockingly work. So why not give it a go? ^_^

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